
Flemington Primary School

Multi-Purpose Building • Instrumental Music Wing • Performing Arts Facility

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Model views at various developmental stages

From the earliest stages of this project, BIM technology was employed to communicate to stakeholders, a broader range of project information and analysis, NOT possible using traditional CAD techniques.  This building was modelled to the minutest detail, enabling construction drawings and details to be direct linked live to the simulated building model. 

During the construction phase the Contractor had access to periodically updated, BIM files.  This electronic model contains far more detailed information than is possible to contain in traditional building contract documents. The Contractor was able to interrogate the model to extract further detail, dimensions and material quantities that were not contained in the contract documents.  Steelwork shop drawings were produced using the BIM model as a reference.

Whilst exterior and internal materials were being finalised, the School was given a self contained navigable, electronic model of the project that was updated with the newly selected finishes.  With the use of a data projector, the Principal was able to take the School community for a virtual tour of the yet to be completed building.

You can tour this building too, by downloading this model at the following links:

Building Simulation and 
Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Sun Studies: Shading & Sun Penetration

updated 4 July 2011

Self Contained Virtual Building Model for Apple computers

Self Contained Virtual Building Model for PC computers